Gender equality and inclusion

Gender equality and inclusion is one of the Program’s fundamental guidelines

Below, you’ll find information on the diagnosis, strategy and achievements of the Program in terms of gender equality and inclusion.
Gender equality and inclusion this required greater commitment and accountability from the partner institutions due to the changes that needed to be made in institutional culture and in the people from the communities involved in training in each country.
The Program worked with ministries, secretariats, and private institutions working on GE in the extractive sector, and with TVET institutions in 11 regions of the four PA countries.

Gender Equality diagnosis

An analysis of the preliminary overall gender diagnosis, which was carried out during the planning phase of the PA-EFE Program, showed that there were considerable gaps with respect to women’s opportunities in training and employment. This diagnosis was expanded on by the institutional partnerships in each of the partner institutions at the local level. These reports showed that at the start, almost no attention was being paid to this issue. None of the institutions had gender equality and inclusion policies in place, and almost none of the people in management or leadership positions were aware of the approach, let alone its application in training.
In parallel, information from the NGO Women in Mining in the four countries showed that women’s participation in the extractive sector was low, especially in positions of greater responsibility, and that options for generating their own income are limited by stereotypes around professions and occupations. Women also continue to play the primary role in caregiving and housework, which ends up being an obstacle to their training and integration into the labour market.

It's something to be proud of!

8% more national stakeholders

in the four countries sensitized to gender issues (up from 49% to 57%).

25 policies implemented

within the framework of the Program take gender equality into consideration.

124 persons

who earned diplomas in positive masculinity.

11 institutions have GE committees,

strategies, policies, and procedures to work from a gender equality perspective and contributing to the empowerment of women, surpassing the target of 7.

82% of women

very happy with the academic success services.

The Strategy of Gender Equality

Within this context, the Program established a gender equality mainstreaming strategy aimed at working with all partners in the countries’ institutions at both the national and local levels, and to include this approach in all actions. This challenge involved complex processes of exchange, dialogue, capacity building, and cultural change, as well as the participation of various stakeholders in all actions.
The strategy recognized that education for employment is a basic requirement for access to better living conditions and for stimulating vocational education of young men and women. This, in turn, was based on the understanding that their success depended on the design of public policies and training programs that met their requirements and needs.
The strategy was therefore developed with two objectives in mind:
– to foster multi-stakeholder work at the national and local levels, promoting dialogue among countries and institutions working for equality; and
– to recognize the differences in the policies of each country and institution, finding shared identities, progress, and obstacles, in order to learn from each of these and mainstream their actions from a gender equality perspective.


What was the impact of the Gender Equality activities organized through the Program on your work?

“The activities have been very interesting, since at times we have looked at gender from the perspective of what to do with women. But we have forgotten that men also play an important role in creating conditions of equity and non-violence. So, I think we need to work towards a culture of peace, in which men and women respect and value each other in our different dimensions and characteristics, and where we can complement each other.”

Billie Del Pino Rivas

Consultant, Institutional Partnership Project B12


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