Project B01

Curriculum development in electricity and energy efficiency, entrepreneurship, and gender equality initiatives in the extractive sector

College of New CaledoniaNova Scotia Community CollegeNiagara College Canada

Curriculum development in electricity and energy efficiency, entrepreneurship, and gender equality initiatives in the extractive sector

Project B01 supported the revision and curricular improvement of two study programs (electricity and energy efficiency), as well as the development of a short training course on entrepreneurship for women.

The initiative benefited the Centro de Formación Técnica de la Universidad Católica del Norte (CEDUC UCN), Antofagasta, Chile and the Colegio Técnico Industrial (CTI) Don Bosco, Antofagasta, Chile.

This was done in collaboration with local industry, which employs graduates from the participating institutions. In addition to supporting the procurement of energy-efficient educational equipment, the Canadian and Chilean partners worked on curriculum development, the implementation of business services (in terms of improvement, applied research, or technology transfer), and the mainstreaming of gender equality and environmental perspectives.

This was of particular importance for the Colegio Técnico Industrial Don Bosco, which will switch from an all-male school to a co-ed school in 2024. With this transition in mind, the B01 Partnership and CICan carried out activities to familiarize teaching and administrative staff, students, and their parents and guardians with gender equality issues.



The curricular materials were reviewed, as were lesson plans that take gender and industry into account, all while integrating environmental sustainability considerations. Strategies for gender mainstreaming in the curriculum were developed and implemented, and a short-term entrepreneurship course was designed for Indigenous women. In parallel, extracurricular environmental sustainability activities were run, involving students, teachers, and administrative staff.

In addition, leadership and management skills were strengthened, as well as competency-based educational skills for trainers in curriculum development, teaching, and evaluation. Assistance in applied-research activities was also provided.

It's something to be proud of!

199 students

participated in an eco-construction workshop

was conducted on 149 people

A gender audit

with the aim of discerning staff perceptions of gender equality in the institution and in its curricula

10 capsules

Thanks to an agreement between CEDUC UCN and Women in Mining (WIM) Chile, a campaign was developed with 10 capsules to show the value of the work of women in the mining sector, called “Soy Mujer, Soy Técnica” (I am a woman, I am a technician).


Read what they say about it

Why did you decided to study Electricity and Energy Efficiency ?

“I chose Electricity and Energy Efficiency because I really like caring for the planet and it was very easy and accessible to study in the city… From what they told us, all the new boards and solar panels they bought are for models, which helps us on a practical level to do the hands-on work so we can do it better when we get into our jobs.”

Luis Ibarra Muñoz

Electricity and Energy Efficiency student, Centro de Formación Técnica at the Universidad Católica del Norte (CEDUC UCN), Antofagasta campus, Chile



Hear what they say about it

Kissy Gutiérrez Sotelo
Head of the Educational Improvement Plan, Colegio Técnico Industrial (CTI) Don Bosco, Antofagasta, Chile


Business and community services